Thursday, March 1, 2012

Whatever It Takes

“Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.”
-Alfred A. Montapert

         Things are not always as they seem and often do not go according to plan. Think about it. How many times have you created elaborate plans either on paper or in your head that didn’t end up working out? How many times were your expectations actually met in the exact way you planned? (Pshh yeah, only in dreams for that one, right?) Or more likely, how many times did circumstances either fail to meet your expectations or exceed your expectations? It seems as though this has been happening to me a lot lately. No matter how hard I try or how well thought out and detailed my plans are, things just don’t seem to fulfill my expectations. But, I have learned along the way that’s just life. When things don’t go as planned or problems arise, the best thing to do is accept things for what they are no matter how difficult that can be sometimes. I mean it isn’t always a negative experience for me; sometimes my expectations are exceeded, which is a good thing. But, I guess I’m just one of those people who prefers when things go according to plan. Its not that I don’t enjoy certain things being unpredictable, but I would not consider living spontaneously to be one of my strengths.
            Upon first hearing this quote, I was immediately reminded of lines from Disney’s Bolt. For those of you who have seen this movie before and know what I’m referring to, that’s great. For those of you who have either never seen the movie or don’t recall, here is a clip from the movie:
            The part that I’m referencing is when Rhino, the hamster, responds to Bolt saying, ”I eat danger for breakfast!” This parallels my quote for week. And reminds us that even if we are not cartoon characters, we can still expect problems or danger and face them head on. Taking care of business and avoiding getting discouraged is the best way to live.


  1. This quote reminds me of another quote by an ex-General that stated, "How badly things go wrong is directly proportional to the importance to the operation". The common idea behind any strategy is that it is almost certain that nothing will ever go to plan. This is another great quote to outline this idea.

  2. Haha I loved the movie clip! Bolt is such a great movie and this is a great quote! It is so true that problems are going to happen. Expect them, because nothing ever runs smoothly. The key to dealing with them is to be flexible and quick on your feet. You need to realize that not everything is going to work out the way you envisioned it and when something does go wrong you need to be able to fix it.
