not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
-Henry David Thoreau
Whenever you have a bunch of people looking at the same thing regardless of what it may be, there are always various conflicting viewpoints about the sight or object being examined. This is a perfect demonstration of perspective and how every individual’s differs. I’m sure everyone is familiar with or has at least experienced this at some point in their lives.
-Henry David Thoreau
Whenever you have a bunch of people looking at the same thing regardless of what it may be, there are always various conflicting viewpoints about the sight or object being examined. This is a perfect demonstration of perspective and how every individual’s differs. I’m sure everyone is familiar with or has at least experienced this at some point in their lives.
The word
“perspective” actually has various definitions as many words do in today’s
society. According to dictionary.com a very broad one is listed as, “ the state
of existing in space before the eye,” but the definition that relates to this
quote is a much deeper one. It is listed as, “the state of one’s ideas, the facts
known to one, etc. in having a meaningful interrelationship.” Looking closely and carefully at anything
brings to mind its meaning whether consciously or unconsciously, and for each
and every person this can be something different. Their thoughts can take the
back to the past, right where they are currently or in the present, and may
even provide some insight to their future. This quote also reminds me of
another quote.
That quote is, “the
eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” Both of these quotes
are very true, at least for me they are. This one illustrates the occurrence of
looking at something once and then looking at it again and seeing something new
that you did not notice before. So many times we are quick to make judgments
about things because unfortunately that happens to be human nature. If we give
it a little time, then we often surprise ourselves with creative thoughts. The ability
to see is one that we often take for granted. Let’s try to appreciate it more
often because it truly is a wonderful gift.
This is so true and I especially like the part about revisiting thing you’ve already seen. It eerie almost that when you change and grow as a person so does the world around you. It is amazing how different people look at same things and see completely different things. Our own personal experiences really do influence how we see things.