Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Think I Can, Therefore I Can

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
-      Winston Churchill
Source: positive1.jpg          
What exactly does it take to be successful? And whatever it is, do you have it? If not you, then who? The answer is surprisingly very simple. It just so happens that what it takes is inside of each and every one of us. The problem seems to be that we don’t always realize this or willingly accept it. Sometimes it just takes finding an unconventional way to bring it out of us. Everyone who wants to be someone sets goals for himself or herself to accomplish at least at some point in life. Some are willing to do whatever it takes to make things happen or make their dreams come true, others are slightly less motivated. I agree with Winston Churchill on this one, that this makes all the difference in the world.
ATTITUDE… is ultimately the key to success. It may seem like a somewhat useless, abstract idea and may not appear to be one of the most important qualities possessed, but this could not be farther from the truth. Attitude is actually amazingly powerful. Changing your attitude can easily alter an outcome of even one of the most difficult situations that you could ever find yourself in. Always try to keep a positive attitude and outlook on life. This gets tricky when things seem like they never go your way, but trust me, eventually if you stick it out things will turn around and get better.
If you think that I am just a college kid and that I am not to be trusted on this issue, then choose to trust some of the most outstanding human beings in the history of the world that continually promote this same ideology. Your attitude really counts and makes a difference. For the longest time, I too refused to believe this. I tend to be quite a pessimistic person most times, and my mom would always say to me, “Fine. Go ahead and have that attitude, but it is going to get you absolutely nowhere in life.” Finally, I put her opinion to the test during a cross-country race my junior year of high school, and it really did work. I had greatly improved my personal best time that I had ever run. From then on, I decided that I would at least make an effort to have a positive attitude, and you should too. 
Source: self_motivation1.jpg


  1. This is a great quote. It reminds me of Bob Marley's line, "Every little thing, its going to be alright." I always try and think of this quote when things aren't going the right way. I really dislike people that down on themselves all the time. They are just looking for some pitty, but thats not the way you should live life. I really agree with you on this one.

  2. Pessimism is one of my favorite things. I like to say I’m a realist but in a “we are all going to die in the end” kind of way. I do agree though that being pessimistic gets you nowhere. In fact it probably hurts you. Attitude is hard to describe. You can’t see it or touch, but there are special times in life when you can feel it. Standing in the BJC last year for THON during the finale four hours was one of the best experiences of my life. You could feel the positive, hopeful, and loving attitude of everyone in the room. It was contagious. In that atmosphere you really can’t help but think that anything is possible. If people could have that attitude all the time the world would be a much better place.

  3. Maybe I'm just a little less culturally sophisticated than you two, but my mind immediately went to "The Little Engine that Could". It's kind of fun how it all comes together in the end. World leaders, great musicians, and children's books are all saying the same stuff, it's just that different people are listening.

  4. I really like the topic of your passion blog. I love quotes. Strangely enough, I have a hard time quoting people, because I try to find ways that I can express the same sentiments in a way more personal to me (if that makes sense?). But, regardless, I think it's really cool that you are going to do this every week and break them down.
