Thursday, January 26, 2012


"Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly." 
-John F. Kennedy

Has the fear of making a mistake ever kept you from trying to do something? This happens even to the best of us. Unfortunately, making mistakes is inevitable for all human beings. Sometimes, we get so caught up in worrying about our reputation or what other people think of us that we hold ourselves back. This is never a good thing or beneficial to us. Often times when we look back on certain events in our lives or other things, we have regrets. This could definitely be avoided, not all of the time, but at least some of the time. All we have to do is try not to be afraid of failure. The attempt is what really matters. Whether you succeed or fail is not always what is most important. Its best to always give it all you got. That way in the end at least you can say that you tried. When we fail, we learn something from our experience, regardless of whether it was a good or bad one. Those who fall down and continue to get back up will most likely succeed and be rewarded for their effort and dedication eventually. Those who fall down and choose to stay down could not possibly ever succeed. Therefore I encourage you, no I dare you, just to try next time you are presented with an opportunity, even if you are unsure of what the outcome of your attempt will be. Many people are not aware of what they are truly capable of because they never even make an attempt. This does not mean that we should act without first thinking about our actions though. Taking time to contemplate things is important as well, but it is never a good thing when it works as a restraint. The quote above is one of many great quotes given to us by American President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and we should all try to live by it.